Sunday 19 January 2014


My theme for the AS coursework unit has been Japan. I started my personal theme theme by sketching and drawing pictures of two Japanese dolls I own, in various mediums and styles. I explored the artist Junko Mizuno because she had a very interesting style of art and I was influenced particularly by her cute but bloody style which she uses in her art. In my work, I used a variety of different mediums and experimented with all sorts of techniques, for example, collages. I did a variety of collages but I only looked at one collage artist, Robert Rauschenburg. I liked how he gave every piece of his a meaning and this reflected on what went into the piece. When I was doing my experiment boards, I used a brush tied to a bamboo stick so that when I made a mark, it would come out differently to if I used just a brush. This was because the stick meant I was further away from the board and had less control over the marks I made. I have decided to try to develop my work into a more personal direction because this will make my project more interesting and unique to me. I am actually finding it quite difficult to make my work more personal. This is because I lacked the knowledge and resources which could have related to my theme. I feel that I do have that knowledge/resources to make my work a lot more personal.

For my final piece I decided I would make a clay doll which I would paint and then put into a decorated box to make it look like they were being sold. I would like to improve my timing as I will limited amount of time to do my piece in the real exam, I would like to improve my experiments as I feel I didn't do enough to help me come up with an idea for my final piece and I would also like to improve my research as I feel I could explore at least one more artist.